YYC POP: Poetic Portraits of Poetry, a Sheri-D Wilson Laureate Project


– Crystal Cervantes

It rang,
The bell of mortality,
Drumming loudly
Against cold tiled floors,
As if to burn me alive.
One thousand
And eighty-two days
It’d been meant to be,
But not today.
I saw Death come,
Cloaked in hope
Meant for despair.
Those who saw him
Shuddered in fear.
I’d negotiate with him
And barter your stay.
He glanced at his list,
Eager to collect
Sadness to infect.
Bits of black bleed
Into life,
Just out of reach
Were the minutes
That passed.
When you fell alone
To a place I could not follow.
I’ve known no other
World than this one,
He and I.
I waited for Death,
Who stood idly by,
Watching to see if
He’d take my bargain.
If he’d take what’s mine.
He hadn’t made his choice,
So I made mine.
I whispered to Death,
No. Not today.
His steps became faint,
The echo of mortality,
As if to say,
Sweet girl
You can barter and trade
All you want, but
You all have an
A day of expiration.

Crystal Cervantes

Hello friends, I’m Crystal Cervantes, and for as long as I can remember I have been creating stories. Either retelling ones I’ve heard or creating some of my own. I’ve become good at rejection and have found resilience in telling stories, no matter the platform.
