YYC POP: Poetic Portraits of Poetry, a Sheri-D Wilson Laureate Project


– Morgan Black

She was cut
From the pile of
bussomy females

Who become Calgary Sun
Shine girls spread across the daily
News brand of tits out to there

Football scores, hockey
Scores and scores
Of ads for cars, pick ups

Scissored genes, Japanese and
Scottish, collar bone, cleaved cheek bones
Frame ancestral eyes

Left home at thirteen
Shampooed hair in beauty
Salons, learned to cut

Hair styles so flattering
To others, beauty outside
So many styling competitions won

Successful salon on 17th Avenue
Centre of city vogue, restaurants
Avant garde art galleries

Slim as a wisp of water
She lost a bet — Edmonton
Eskimos would prevail against

Calgary Stampeders
Decades long macho competition
In Grey Cups and

Stanley Cups
City of oil
Versus cowboy culture

White Stetson held coyly
in front of breasts, hiding
flat-chest and other vulnerabilities

Like so many scars on arms
From wrist to elbows that’s how
she kept score of how she did not conform

Noncomformist to this day,
Cherry blossom tattoo
Branches right forearm

Announces rebirth, renewal
A new kind of score.
Sunshine Girl Take Two
Now that takes balls.

Morgan Black

Morgan Black is an international award-winning Calgary writer, editor, scriptwriter and poet. Her work has appeared in Germination, Descant, Event and numerous other journals.
