YYC POP: Poetic Portraits of Poetry, a Sheri-D Wilson Laureate Project


– Walid Tarraf

A father’s hands,
They ache, they shake 

Midnight cramps, 
With screams, he wakes.  

Another day,
The morning brakes.  

Uneven footfalls with shakes, 
he makes,  

A new labor, a new chore,
With everything done, 
he’ll always find more.  

A husband to one,
A father two sons, 
A grandfather more,  

One day we will reach for his labor,
and find it no more.
The thing we will miss, 
is his smile at the door.  

Walid Tarraf

Born and raised in canada. A tribute to my father for all the hard work he has provided for his family and others.  

Photo of Walid Tarraf